"We are the ones we have been waiting for"

Category: , By Robb

I have begun God's Politics by Jim Wallis and it has already peaked my interest (intro and into the 1st ch.). It has been recommended to me by several friends and mentors, especially Prof. Ayodeji Adewuya. I have enjoyed his critique of the current political climate and have been challenged (already even) by his call to reflect on how we are to live in a holistic manner. He really takes on the entire spectrum of political thought in challenging the reader to look at things from a Christian perspective. He is very much about bringing faith into public life, but in a way that catches up a wide range of issues, not allowing the candidates or pundits to dictate what the issues are that should concern us. He says that the church cannot be co-opted by either side so that it can be a prophetic voice to both sides. The quote in the title is one made to Wallis by a friend in a conversation about taking action and not just criticizing. He promises on some of how this can be done. I am looking forward to hearing how he proposes this. We shall see.

4 comments so far.

  1. ndfugate 10:02 AM
    robb i am about halfway through the che book and quite simply it is amazing. as i told josh last night reading the book as been a very interesting context in which to experience and interpret his and hopes postings from mars hill along with my introduction to rob bell by means of the web site and podcasts. che certainly led an extrodinary life.

    i would also like to offer some links to you concerning wallis and god's politics. read them when you get a chance.
  2. Peter Zefo 11:43 AM
    It must be an epidemic! I ordered this the other day and expect it in the mail anytime.

    You might want to check my blog for a link to Sojourners. This is Wallis' site.
  3. m.d. mcmullin 11:42 AM
    I thought God was Republican. Doesn't that settle the issue?

  4. Anonymous 1:46 AM
    I realize that this is way late, but I read the book a while back and really enjoyed it. I'm not holding my breath for the candidate that runs on a consistently Christian platform, but who knows what will happen in '08.

    Anyway, just thought I'd throw a comment your way.


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